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Seducing the Best Man (Wild Wedding Nights #1) Page 13
Seducing the Best Man (Wild Wedding Nights #1) Read online
Page 13
The office party was for him, not for her. He needed to see for himself that this Charles guy was as harmless as Cady said he was. He needed to know that Cady was treated with the respect she deserved. She deserved respect. She deserved a man who would take care of her and appreciate her for what she was. Amazing, sexy, untamed and fiercely loyal.
“Patton?” she asked, her eyes searching.
“Why are you so dead set against me taking you?” he asked, deciding evasion was the best course of action.
She sighed, shaking her head. She slid her fingers through her hair, tucking her hair behind her ear. He’d never seen her so rattled. She looked exhausted.
“You okay?” he asked, wanting to touch her so badly he shoved his hands in his pockets.
She looked at him, her mouth opening then closing. She nodded. “How’s the case going?”
He shook his head. “Long week.” A week of sleepless nights, convoluted files, dead-end tips and thoughts of Cady.
That seemed to irritate her all over again, her posture going rigid.
What had he said? His gaze swept her face, lingering on the tilt of her lips, the shadows under her eyes. “I owe you dinner. Tomorrow? Before the party?”
“Owe me?” she snapped, reaching for the car door handle. “Dammit, you don’t owe me—”
“I want to take you to dinner,” he all but growled.
She froze, staring at him. “Patton, are...are you asking me on a date? Is that what this is about?”
He stepped closer, unable to resist the pull between them. He needed to touch her. “If I am?”
She shook her head, but there was the hint of a smile on her lips. “I’d say it’s a bad idea.”
“That hasn’t stopped us so far,” he murmured, moving another step closer. Her scent hit him. “God, you smell good.”
Her eyes went round and her breath grew unsteady. “You are the most exasperating man I know,” she whispered.
He smiled. “Good to know.” He reached up, tucking her hair behind her ear.
“N-no.” She leaned away from him, but not before he saw the shudder that racked her slight frame.
He frowned. “No?” He was losing sight of the goal here. Being close to Cady did that, fogged things up and knocked him off course.
“The party’s at seven. So there won’t be time for us to get dinner first,” she explained.
He refused to smile or gloat. She may not be aware that she’d just accepted he was her date tomorrow, but he was. And he was...happy. Aching for her, but happy. He cleared his throat. “Do I wear a suit?”
She nodded. “Patton, I don’t know if I can do this.” Her sudden change of topic spoke volumes. She was worrying over this, their plan.
He glanced at his mother’s house. But Bianca and Cady’s conversation replayed through his mind. Maybe he’d figure a way to learn more on their date. “It’s the right thing to do, Cady. You know it. I know it.”
She pulled open the car door. “My place, six thirty. Please don’t be late.”
“I won’t.” He held the door as he added, “You look pretty.”
She tilted her head. “You have a nice ass.”
He laughed. “Thanks.”
She climbed into the car, giving him a heart-stopping view of her legs. He shook his head, closing his eyes and sighing deeply before closing her car door. She rolled down her window, saying, “You know this—we—are about sex, right? I mean it’s great sex, but... It’s still just sex.” She shrugged and pulled away from the curb.
He stood there, frowning after her car. There was no denying that was how they’d started, but things had changed—for him. That was why he’d forced himself from her bed. He’d waited, her admission filling him with an emotion he was hesitant to name. The longer he lay there, the longer she stayed in that bathroom, the more he understood. She was panicking, she needed space. He didn’t want to leave. He’d wanted to hold her close and sleep, to wake up with her, to be with her. If he’d stayed... He hadn’t. And he regretted it.
Now she was leaving, going who knows where. Possibly with someone. Was it the someone she’d been talking to Bianca about? He frowned. No, he didn’t want to know that. He pushed through the back gate, smiling as Mikey ran around him in circles, dropping a ball at his feet and waiting expectantly. Patton picked up the ball.
“What was that?” Zach asked. “Seriously.”
Patton tossed the ball and looked at his little brother. “What?”
Zach glanced over his shoulder at Bianca. “I know you’re my big brother and you value your privacy but—”
“But?” Patton waited, throwing the ball Mikey had returned.
“Cady’s Bianca’s best friend. Guess I feel a sense of responsibility for her now that Bianca’s clued me in on how crappy her childhood was and how terrible her parents are.”
Patton nodded. No argument there.
Zach paused. “She told you?”
Patton looked at him.
Zach stepped closer. “So what’s going on?”
Patton threw the ball again. “Nothing,” he answered then changed course. “What’s the plan with Bianca’s shop? After you’re married, I mean. Will she sell it so she can go with you when you’re traveling a couple of weeks a month?
Zach frowned. “That shop is her dream. She’s got two people on the payroll, people who count on her for their livelihood. I’m not going to ask her to give that up.”
Patton nodded. Did Zach know she was in monetary trouble? “And your dream of traveling the world? Your high-paying, high-stress career? Are you shelving that?”
Zach sighed. “What are you getting at?”
“We’ve been talking about the wedding so much we hadn’t had a chance to talk about your life afterward.” He paused, taking the ball from Mikey. “And the challenges your conflicting careers might bring.”
“Shit, Patton,” he whispered. “Is it that hard for you to be happy for me? I’d like to think having Bianca as part of the family is a good thing.”
“You have to admit it’s all pretty damn quick, Zach.” He threw the ball, the questions spilling out before he could stop them. “What do you know about Bianca? Her family?”
“Are you serious?” Zach asked. “I’m the one with the past. She’s...” He shook his head. “You know what? Forget it. I’m going to enjoy the rest of my evening.”
Patton watched his brother stalk across the yard. He watched the concern on Bianca’s face as she took Zach’s hand. Zach wrapped his arm about her waist and whispered something in her ear, making her smile. He wanted to believe she loved his brother, that she had no ulterior motives. But until he learned all there was to know about Bianca, he would do his best to hold off any judgment.
Patton’s phone rang.
Thirty minutes later, Patton stood amidst twisted metal and burning tires. An officer had attempted to pull over a trailer with its rear light out—completely unaware of the high-speed chase and multicar pile-up that would result. Two injured cops, a family of five whose minivan was struck and a motorcyclist who couldn’t avoid the resulting debris were all en route to the local hospital.
Patton had been called in because of the trailer. It had been altered to manufacture meth; the walls and floors were permeated with the residue of the chemical burn off. Other than the smell and stains, there was no hardware or supplies for making the drug. The perps were probably on the way to dump it somewhere.
It was going to be a long night.
The highway was narrowed to one lane so the evidence processing could begin. Then taping off, photographing and marking the accident’s path.
Nights like this he missed Russ most. He’d had one of those engaging personalities, keeping everyone smiling—even when they were working in the early hours of the mor
ning with no light, honking horns and a feeling of defeat. His little brother had been a good cop. Until he wasn’t a good cop anymore.
There were times he wished he could go back. Go back and confront his brother, try to get him to come clean. Try to get him some help before that night...
He was on the scene until the sun was up. On his way to the station, he stopped by his place long enough to grab a suit and throw his toiletries in a travel bag. He wouldn’t have time to come home and get ready, so he’d clean up at the station before heading to Cady’s.
The station was in chaos when he arrived, so he jumped in. Between last night’s accident and two other ongoing cases, the background check he’d run on Bianca, her employees and close family members was the last thing on his mind. But when an email popped up saying the files were in his box and they needed to be returned ASAP, he stopped and stared at the screen, torn. His box was overflowing, but he could see the thick manila packet poking out. He slid it free and laid it on his desk, tapping the sealed top. Once he’d read this information, there was no going back. He opened the envelope, pulled out two files and leaned back in his chair. Of course, he didn’t expect anyone to have a record...
He was wrong. Landon McCall was her delivery boy. He had a juvenile record of petty theft and shoplifting at three separate businesses. He’d worked it off through hours of community service and letters of recommendation. Patton skimmed over them, then flipped the page. As an adult, McCall had one prior—for check tampering. So Bianca was giving Landon another chance... Because she was big hearted or she didn’t know?
He sighed, tucked the information back into the file and moved on to the next.
Bianca Garza. A DWI six year ago. She’d been sentenced to a one-year probation, paid a two-thousand dollar fine, had to attend a slew of education classes, served eighty hours of community service and had her license revoked for two years. He ran a hand over his face then skimmed through the rest of her file. Nothing else...in this file. That didn’t mean Bianca didn’t have other secrets.
He glanced at the clock. It was six fifteen. He was late.
CADY WAS PUTTING her earrings on when she heard a knock on her door. She glanced at the clock. It was six thirty-four. She ran down the hall and opened the door, her temper fizzling out at the delectable sight he presented. “You’re not ready,” she murmured.
His plaid shirt was untucked and open—baring his incredible torso and rendering her speechless. His jeans were unbuttoned, the top of his boxers and the dark line of hair that ran down from his belly button making her instantly, achingly aroused. She blinked, resisting the urge to run her fingers along the rock-hard abs he displayed and forcing her attention up. He looked exhausted, sporting a thick stubble on his jaw and shadows under his eyes. Even exhausted he looked good enough to eat.
“Work ran late.” He held up his hanging bag. “I need five minutes and a shower.”
“A shower?” Her mind went crazy with the possibilities. She’d need more than five minutes. And then they’d be late. “Now?” she asked, stepping aside so he could come in.
He stopped inside, his gaze locking with hers... He might be tired, but he wasn’t dead. The flare of want in his eyes had her wetting her lower lip with the tip of her tongue.
“Cady...” He growled in warning. “Keep that up and it’ll be at least ten minutes.”
“Ten minutes? Wow.” She grinned, arching a brow. “What did you have in mind?” She ran her pointer finger along the waist of his boxers. So what if they were late?
He shook his head, closing his eyes. He sucked in a deep breath, backing away from her touch. “You’re all dressed up and ready to go. I don’t want to...mess up your hair.” He swallowed.
“You don’t?” she asked.
“I want to. I will. After,” he promised. His gaze swept over her again. He swallowed. “How about a cup of coffee?”
“Coffee coming up.” She grinned. “You know the way.”
“Thanks.” He nodded, his eyes traveling over her. He groaned, cupping her chin and kissing her. She parted her lips, inviting him in. He groaned again, breaking the kiss. “Five minutes...maybe ten.” He shook his head again then brushed past her and down the hall to her bedroom.
She watched him go, appreciating the view of his arms as he shrugged out of his shirt. She had it bad. She blew out a slow breath, staring after the man who continued to knock her off her feet.
He paused, winked and disappeared into her room.
Her bedroom. The room she’d kept to herself, her own little oasis—no men allowed—until Patton. And after he’d left her, she remembered why she’d never brought anyone else back here. It was because it was Patton that it had hurt to find her bed empty. She’d never felt so alone and vulnerable.
She busied herself in the kitchen, making a cup of strong coffee. Sexy or not, she could tell he was wiped out. If he’d been on the job all night, who knew when he’d eaten last? It took no effort to make him a roast beef sandwich—protein would do him some good. She added an apple and a handful of almonds to the plate and carried the coffee and snack to her room.
The bedroom door was ajar, so she nudged it wide with her hip. She couldn’t help but smile at the neatly folded jeans and shirt that sat on the chair in the corner. His boots rested underneath it—all neat and orderly. She heard the water shut off and called out, “Coffee’s ready.”
He pulled the door open, releasing a cloud of steam into her bedroom. She tried not to react, but it was hopeless. He was all wet and sexy as hell with his hair flopping into his eyes. He reached for the coffee with one hand. The other held his towel—dangerously low—around his hips. “Thanks.”
“Are you up for this?” she asked, trying not to ogle while offering him the plate. “I can think of other things we could do tonight.”
He took the plate, smiling at the food, before leveling her with a hard stare. “Any of them have the potential to forward your career?” He smiled broadly.
She smiled, perching on the edge of her bed. “Look who’s being all gentlemanly tonight.”
“A rarity, I know.” His attention wandered up her legs. “That’s what you’re wearing?” his voice was thick.
“What’s wrong with it?” She glanced down at her gray cocktail dress. It was a sheath dress, nothing too fancy, but there was a slight shimmer through the fabric. It draped nicely on her shoulders and hit midknee. And it made her blond stripe pop.
“Nothing.” He shook his head. “You look...sexy as hell.”
“I look sexy?” She shook her head, nodding at him and his towel. “I was going for professional or demure or classy.”
“To me, you look sexy.” He grinned.
She smiled, savoring his compliment. “Another cup?” she asked, watching him tear into the sandwich.
“That would be great,” he said after swallowing.
She grinned, appreciating his enthusiasm. “I got word today that one of the partners from the Japanese firm we’re working with might be attending tonight.”
Patton finished the nuts then bit into the apple. He swallowed before asking, “That’s kind of a big deal, isn’t it?”
“It is,” she agreed, her eyes wandering to the breadth of his chest, his muscled shoulders and thick arms. Her mouth went dry at the sight of him. She’d always had a healthy sexual appetite. But Patton had made her insatiable.
“So this is good?”
“Hmm?” she asked, distracted by how low the towel had slipped.
“Cady,” he ground out.
She stood. “What?”
He crossed his arms over his chest, making her giggle. “Thank you for the food.”
She wanted to tug that towel free and stare at the rest of him. He stood, watching her. “You’ll need energy...for later.”
/> His jaw clenched, and the throb between her legs intensified. The apartment buzzer sounded. “That’ll be the car,” she murmured.
“The car?” he repeated.
“My boss sent it.” She frowned, allowing herself one more look before giving up. “So hurry.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He nodded as he went back into the bathroom. She lingered, watching him open his overnight bag and pull out his shaving kit. There was something very nice about him being here, getting ready, talking to her and her taking care of him. Having him here didn’t crowd her or irritate her. He...fit. She ached with a different kind of want.
“More coffee coming up,” she murmured as she hurried from the bedroom. She made another cup of coffee, her attention wandering back down the hallway to her room.
No one had ever cared about her need for success—except for her. Her parents were indifferent. They didn’t understand Cady’s drive to be better, to keep her edge. But Patton was turning down what would undoubtedly be a night of incredible sex to support her and her career. Not that they wouldn’t make up for it later, but... Her heart felt full and heavy with all the things she shouldn’t feel for him.
Tonight she needed to prove to her boss that she was the best candidate for the promotion. She checked her reflection in the mirror for smudges, but she was good. She smoothed her hair, grabbed Patton’s cup of coffee and headed back down the hallway to her bedroom.
Patton was buttoning up his shirt, clean shaven, damp hair and so gorgeous Cady felt her insides quiver.
“Thanks.” He took the cup, his pale gaze lingering on her. “Still think you look sexy.”
“Nothing says sexy like a modest neckline and midknee length.” She teased, watching him tie his tie. “Long night?”
“Never got to bed last night.” He shrugged into his coat. “Had an incident on the highway and got called in right after you left.”
“God, Patton. This isn’t that important—”
And then he was kissing her. It was a soft kiss, one that lingered in just the right way. “It is...so stop trying to tempt me into taking you to bed. You ready?” he asked against her lips.